Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Jun 13, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments - baby family

Great weekend

I can barely believe it, but Kavi is 2 years old now. This is such a great age. I remember saying that a year ago, but he’s even more enjoyable now. He’s excited about everything new. He’s running nonstop, singing out loud, and dancing up a storm.

Mala organized a great birthday party for him at a local park. He got a lot of great gifts from all his friends, some of which we’re saving so that he can open when the new baby is getting a lot of attention. But, his Mossa and Mossi got him the best gift of all by delivering Vishali into this world the day before his birthday. Kavi has been enamored with her from day 1. She’s now a week old, and Kavi will still drop whatever he’s doing (even if it’s drinking milk or playing in his black truck) to come over and ‘kiss baby shali’.

Now, we’re just waiting for our bundle of joy :-)

Imperfection Anika Puri Kurup

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