Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Apr 7, 2024 - 1 minute read - Comments - links

Links 2024-04-07

  • Old people can build muscle. Sorry, this one is behind a paywall, but it basically describes a study that showed that muscle SFI decreased in old people (ages 60-79) with resistance training. Muscle SFI (shape factor index) represents how close the cross-sectional shape of your muscle is to the shape of a circle, where 1.00 is a circle and the lower the number, the better it is. I’d never heard of that metric before. But the good news is that in this study, both young and old people were able to decrease their SFI by the same amount over the study period.

  • Not a link, but a nice quote:

Wrong decisions are part of life. Being able to make them work anyway is one of the abilities of those who are successful. — Warren Buffett

Links 2024-04-06 Choosing To Run

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